PG Cert: Teaching & Learning

Rachel Davey

Group Tutorial 22.01.20


Group tutorial #1 started with 5min introductions from everyone. I really enjoyed hearing about everyones practice and the room was full of very interesting people. There were lots of pedagogical references highlighted, and I am going to try to get through these later today.

Some of my key realisations. Why do I always go first? I did this on my MA too, I think it’s about trying to make people feel more comfortable by just DOING IT and getting the ball rolling. I think perhaps I should spend some time in the silence and awkward situations. I like the pauses when I’m talking to students, I think it gives a bit of time and space that is often needed to form an answer.

We did a little blind drawing task as a warm up, I was into it! For me, it expelled some nervous energy.

I liked the presentations, I think it was a good way to see who was in the room and share references.

There was a very long group discussion after the presentations. This made me quite uncomfortable, my bodies natural reaction to this kind of conversation is stress. I think its because i’m over thinking what to say, that is has to be intellectual and profound. I was engaged at the beginning but my concentration wained at the end and I started to move into a pool of anxiety. I think this also has to do with the environment of the tower block, I really really hate it. That lift, those lights and the HEAT.

There was a packet of caramel digestives on the table, I thought they would get opened but they didn’t.

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